Generate UUID

Generate UUID scheduler job purpose is to create universally unique identifier and save it in traget field defined in Record Configuration section.

Step 1: Register Scheduler Job

To create Scheduler Job go to Breezz SetupScheduler Jobs → click New or simply schedule a job from a Dashboard by clicking Schedule Job tile.

Generate UUID Scheduler Job Generate UUID Scheduler Job

Set fields as follows:

  • Input Name for Scheduler Job and a comprehensive Description.
  • For Job Type select Generate UUID.
  • Execution Interval indicates the time when scheduler must be executed, in this example let it be 01:00 am on a daily basis.
  • In SOQL Query use a SELECT statement to return records on which you want to work.
  • In Record Configuration section configure target field to store generate identifier.

Click save.

Step 2: Check Scheduler Job

To check if a scheduler was created go to App LauncherBreezzBreezz Scheduler JobsAll Custom Jobs.

Here you can see your Scheduler:

Scheduler Record Scheduler Record

Generate UUID is designed to work with fewer records and to work more frequently. To work with more records, e.g. 10,000. We should use Generate UUID - Batch which is described on the next page.